St. Lucia: Burglary at House of Parliament

CASTRIES, St. Lucia, CMC – Investigations are continuing following a report of a break-in at the House of Parliament on Saturday morning. 

According to police reports, an ancillary staff member discovered the premises disturbed and alerted the police.

Investigators probing the scene to determine the method used in the illegal entry of the building and to determine if anything was stolen, have indicated that electronic items are missing.

The probe comes amid rising citizens’ concerns over the spate of criminal activity in the country.

At a recent news conference, police promised to step up efforts to confront crime.

“There are persons that will evade the presence of the police. We will be at all ends on the highways, on the byways, in the backroads of Saint Lucia. For persons who intend to create or to plan burglary or to go contrary to the laws of Saint Lucia, the special services units will be out there,” warned Special Services Unit (SSU) Commander, Inspector Lucius Small.

During the press conference this November, the SSU announced that it would be increasing its patrolling presence this holiday season, especially as burglaries and thefts tend to increase.

Inspector Small disclosed that the Unit has devised a plan to keep on the ground this season.

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